Open Access Policy

All articles published by Exploration and Verfication Publishing (abbreviated as EXPLOVER) are promptly accessible after publication, and made immediately available worldwide under an Open Access license. 

In accordance with major definitions of Open Access in scientific literature (namely the Budapest, Berlin, and Bethesda declarations), the full-text of all articles published in EXPLOVER are freely open to the public, without any limitation. This means:

⋄ Everyone has free and unlimited access to the full-text of all articles published in journals of this publisher, with no need to subscribe or pay.

⋄ Everyone is free to re-use the published material without obtaining permission, as long as proper accreditation/citation of the original publication is given.

⋄ Literature is universally available via the Internet in an easily readable format and deposited immediately upon publication, without embargo, where any content can be reproduced or disseminated in part or in whole on the premise of clearly and unequivocally indicating the original publication source.

⋄ Articles in this publication are Open Access and distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0 ) license, which allows users to download, copy, distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, provided that the citation details of the original work are identified, with the authors and journal source are properly credited.

Open access publication is supported by the authors' institutes or research funding agencies by payment of a comparatively low charge for accepted articles. Currently, articles published in EXPLOVER are exempted from Article Processing Charge (APC), and freely available to the wider scope of readers.

Benefits of Open Access for Authors

Authors can retain copyright of their own articles. This would be warranted with the application of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0 ) license. Reproduction and distribution of the published materials are permitted, provided that the citation details of the original work are identified, with the authors and journal source are properly credited.

Articles possess high availability and visibility. This is guaranteed through the free and unlimited accessibility of the publication over the Internet. Readers do not need to pay any subscription or pay-per-view charges to read the articles, and can freely access and download the full text, which may result more citations and more likely to be included in search engines and indexing databases.

Citation tracking and inclusion in Bibliographic databases are available. Open access journals, similar to traditional journals, are deposited into bibliographic databases and institutional repositories in the absence of any embargo period. No more registration or subscription is required when getting access to the full text of articles published in EXPLOVER. This further enables fully index for frequently used search engines. And open access mandates from funding sources or academic institutions can be adhered in the fastest and easiest manner. 

High quality of publications is maintained through rigorous peer review process. Analogous to traditional publications, open access publications are subject to the same peer review, production and publishing procedures.

Online submission and production process is simplified and user-friendly. This allows prompt review, approval and publication.

There is no extra restrictions on the publishing space. Supplementary materials (e.g., figures, extensive data and video footage) can be submitted online.

The emolument of staffs and editors in EXPLOVER are determined by their contracts with publisher, rather than the amount or length of accepted articles. We encourage high-quality publication of long papers with complete results and full experimental or computational details.