About the Journal

Pathogenesis and Treatment in Stroke dedicates to present and discuss the latest and most relevant studies in the field of stroke disease for researchers and clinicians, covering all articles on topics of prevention, risk factors, mechanisms, diagnosis, rehabilitation, especially pathogenesis and treatment, of stroke. Studies may encompass some areas of peripheral vascular diseases and neurological illnesses and diseases, such as cerebrovascular disease related to stroke, arterial occlusive disease related to stroke, movement and speech disorders caused by stroke, damage to nerve cells caused by ischemia and hypoxia, etc. It also includes basic cerebral biology, in-vitro and in vivo (animal) models and clinical patient care. We encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical results in as much detail as possible. Full details must be provided when publishing an experiment so that the results can be reproduced. The main article type includes original researches, reviews, systematic reviews, editorials, opinions, and case reports.