Privacy Policy

  1. Specifics Related to the Collection and Use of Personal Data
  2. Non-Personally Identifiable Information
  3. Aggregated Data
  4. Accessing and Removing Personally Identifiable Data
  5. Referee Data
  6. Author Data
  7. Editor and Editorial Advisory Board Member Data
  8. Publication Site Hosting
  9. Others

Non-disclosure of personnel privacy is fully guaranteed in Pathogenesis and Treatment in Stroke Research (Abbreviated as PTS) , which is applicable to the potential users of our Editorial Manager online submission &editorial system and journal websites, including authors, referees and others. In this term, organizations such as site hosting services used to publish PTS, rather than advertisers or other third parties indirectly related to PTS, have the right to share the limited collected personal data. When sharing, the above potential users' personal data throughout the whole publication process should always be protected.

All users should fully adhere to the requirements of this Privacy Policy when getting access to our websites and Editorial Manager online submission & editorial system PTS journals use different submission systems so there is no one generic login link.

PTS will collect the author's personal data at the time of submission to ensure the paper's submission and also distinguish the real author from any coauthors. The data include the author's name, email addresses, institutions, phone and fax numbers, ORCID IDs ( if available ) and so on.

Herein, explicit explanations are made in the terms to show the secure measures concerning proper use of personal data throughout the entire publication process. When getting access to our websites and Editorial Manager online submission &editorial system, authors and users should comply with the privacy terms stated below.

With any objections to the policies stipulated by PTS, it is inapplicable to use our journal websites or corresponding services, including our websites' relevant Editorial Manager online submission &editorial system, no matter you are an author, reviewer or site user.

1. Specifics Related to the Collection and Use of Personal Data

Individual identification information: To ensure accurate identification in our submission system and successful communication with our editorial and production staffs, details of authors and reviewers should be collected. The collection requirements during submission are for registration of accounts regarding the authors and reviewers within the submission system. Any visitors have the right to keep secret their individual identifying information, however, they may be limited to use part or all of sites' features and functionality.

2. Non-Personally Identifiable Information

Herein, non-personally identifiable information is mainly stated. Your own Internet protocol (IP) address, type and language of browser you chose as well as the date and time of you visit, inapplicable to identify an individual,would be collected via our websites.

3. Aggregated Data

We may aggregate and show the data involving visitors' collective behavior, but by no means disclose any individual identification information.

4. Accessing and Removing Personally Identifiable Data

Authors and reviewers can get access to their individual identifiable data collected by the journal through clicking the ‘Contact Us' link in the footer of the website or directly sending email to, the above-mentioned potential users can make removal requests concerning the previous provided data from our servers and computer networks. The e-mail used to make the requests should be the one that is initially registered when consulting.

5. Referee Data

We may collect personal information from you in our Editorial Manager online submission & editorial system for proper solicitation of reviewers as well as appropriate editorial staff engagement in the processing of decisions on manuscripts submitted. We may retain the reviewers' information but never shared with other parties, apart from other select journals with explicit permission of the referees.

6. Author Data

We may collect the author's information through our Editorial Manager online submission & editorial system and used in the reviewing, production and publication of his articles. Our production staff will protect confidentiality of the author's information. For typesetting purposes, like metadata capture, proofreading, production staff's queries, as well as potential routine indexing of published content in known publishing databases, such as PubMed, PubMed Central, Web of Science, Crossref, ORCID, etc., the author's metadata may be shared with third-party vendor(s) at the minimum level.

7. Editor and Editorial Advisory Board Member Data

We may also collect information from you through our Editorial Manager online submission &editorial system, when you are an editor or the editorial advisory board member participating in decision-making on submissions. Herein, we may retain such information without sharing with other parties.

8. Publication Site Hosting

Our Editorial Manager online submission & editorial system may collect the email addresses of relevant authors and site users.

We use IP addresses to enable activation of institutional subscribers and integrate information such as where the site users come from, rather than identifying individuals.

For internal business reviews, PTS consultants sometimes can make requests to access the potential users' information with the strictest confidentiality. All other

We may collect all other personal information, at the time of submission, during the journal article production process, or under the circumstances that additional alerting, announcement or other services should be released to all potential users (e.g.,. authors, reviewers, website visitors, etc.).

This Privacy Policy would be updated by PTS on request, with an indicative “Updated on”date at the bottom of the page. Your use of the updated privacy policy indicates that you accept the terms noted herein.

9. Others

Sharing with the third-party: for creating articles and indexing services, the third party could share authors' metadata. Search engines can index content directly from what is published on PTS’s Journal websites. Individual data deposited in our Editorial Manager online submission & editorial system: In the processing of a specific article, the accounts of authors and reviewers with their individual identification information are stored in PTS' s Editorial Manager online submission & editorial system.

Editorial staff within Editorial Manager online submission & editorial system can access the above information only after authorization is authorized. Email addresses or other personal information are never sold to third parties.