About the Journal

Journal of Human Reproduction and Endocrinology dedicates to present and discuss the latest and most relevant studies in the field of reproductive endocrinology for physicians in reproductive medicine, infertility specialists, reproductive and developmental biologists, immunologists, obstetricians, gynecologists, urogynecologists. The journal has a broad scope in the basic research and clinical application of reproduction and endocrinology, especially the interrelationship and interaction between them, such as hormonal functioning as it pertains to reproduction, and issue of infertility. Apart from reproductive endocrinology, it also encompasses other areas of endocrinology, metabolism, reproductive biology, obstetrics, gynecology, including but not limited to, embryonic development, pregnancy, reproductive disorders affected by age and external factors, reproductive related tumors, reproductive enhancement technologies, endocrine glands and gonad, regulation of organ and system function by hormones, molecular biology of reproduction, reproductive nutrition, female reproductive function, pathogenesis and treatment of disorders associated with reproductive organs, etc. The main article type includes original researches, reviews, systematic reviews, editorials, opinions, and case reports.

Current Issue

2025: Volume 2, Issue 1
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