Special Issue Guidelines

A special issue is a collection of papers gathering specific research, critical analysis, or comprehensive overview, of unique and innovative topics in currently hot research areas. Ideas for new special issues may come from a variety of sources, including hot topics, suggestions of the editorial board or scientists in this field. It is published as a part of a regular issue in the journal. 

Guest editors are typically authoritative international experts on a particular topic, responsible for ensuring the content and quality of publications in special issues. Scholars who are interested in setting up a special issue are advised to consider the following guidelines.

Proposal of Special Issues

Special issues receive initial approvals from the Editor-in-Chief. Guest Editors may provide a proposal of special issues for consideration. The proposal format must contain:

⋄ CV of the Guest Editor;

⋄ The title, brief abstract (about 200-300 words) and 3-8 keywords of the special issue;

⋄ A statement of the special issue's significance to the field and attractiveness to authors;

⋄ An outlined timeframe;

⋄ A list of potential contributions and abstracts if possible.

Responsibilities of Guest Editors

Guest editors are expected to:

⋄ Provide a short introduction of the special issue, the displayed message of themselves, and other necessary information for the special issue.

⋄ Provide a table of contents for the special issue if possible;

⋄ Proceed Call for Papers invitation, recommend and invite contributors;

⋄ Oversee the peer review process, and make decisions on special issue articles to ensure the quality of the special issue publication;

⋄ Write an Editorial to summarize the content and rationale of the special issue.

Please note that the editorial office will assist guest editors with editorial work of the special issue. Editor-in-Chief may participate in operations of certain special issues.

Notice for Authors

Authors of special issues should pay attention to the following items:

⋄ Read Editorial Policy and Author Instructions carefully, ensuring their manuscript meets all requirements before submission;

⋄ Submit the manuscript before deadline. Overdue submissions may be excluded from the special issue and processed as regular submissions;

⋄ Click "make a submission" to submit manuscripts. At the first time, authors should register, login, and then click "Make a new submission". 

⋄ Authors should make an annotation in cover letter to mention that the manuscript is submitted to corresponding Special Issue.

Please note that being invited to contribute a paper to a special issue is not a guarantee of publication. Special issue articles undergo the same high-standard editorial procedure as other submissions.

Peer Review and Editorial Procedure

For all manuscripts submitted to Special Issues/Supplements, peer review is necessary to maintain the quality of content within the coverage of the journal. All special issue articles are subject to rigorous and impartial peer review like other regular submissions. 

Guest editors supervise the editorial process of all special issue articles. Usually, they can make final decision on the manuscript comprehensively based on reviewers' and academic editors’ comments, unless conflicts of interest exist. Under such circumstance, the rights for the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection are owned by the Editor-in-Chief or another suitable editorial board member, who will comply with the Editorial Policy of the journal.

Guest Editors are welcome to recommend reviewers for submissions before peer review. For more information, please refer to Peer Review Policy and Editorial Policy.