Publishing Ethic

  1. Publication Ethics Statement
  2. Ethical Guidelines for Authors
  3. Ethical Guidelines for Reviewers
  4. Ethical Guidelines for Editors
  5. Ethical Guidelines for Publisher

1. Publication Ethics Statement

All parties involved in the act of publishing, including authors, reviewers and editors, should strictly conform to the highest level of professional ethical standards. Prior to submission, proper statistical investigations and thorough ethical reviews should be acquired from data owning organizations. Authors have an obligation to ensure that the submitted manuscript is original and morally acceptable.

Diagnostic Brain Medicine (Abbreviated as DBM) adheres to the publication ethics guidelines from the following organizations:

lCommittee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

lInternational Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)

lCouncil of Scientific Editors (CSE)

lNational Information Standards Organization (NISO)

lNational Institutes of Health (NIH)

lWorld association of Medical editors (WAME)

lWorld Medical Association (WMA)

2. Ethical Guidelines for Authors

During submission, authors should:

(1) Ensure the originality of the submitted manuscript and avoid any act of plagiarism.

(2) Declare the authenticity of all data in the article.

(3) Verify that the manuscript has not been published or submitted elsewhere.

(4) State any potential conflict of interest involving the manuscript.

(5) Actively participate in the peer-review process and properly respond to the comments from peer reviewers in time.

(6) Make significant contributions to the research and comply with the standards for the authorship criteria proposed by ICMJE.

(7)Note all sources used in the preparation of their manuscript.

Responsible research publication international standards for authors

For settlement of any authorship disputes, DBM will conform to the guidelines by COPE, especially How to spot authorship problems. If there are any authorship disputes, a clear explanation from authors needs to be submitted to the journal for evaluation. For the final decision, recommendations from the discipline-specific standards or standard-setting bodies, such as COPE and ICMJE, will be considered. If not, an authoritative statement from the authors' institution(s) is required to prove the authorship qualifications.

3. Ethical Guidelines for Reviewers

COPE Ethical for Peer Reviewers-English

During submission, reviewers should:

(1) Adhere to the journal’s instructions on the scope, content, and quality of the review.

(2)Offer a referable evaluation from scientific research levels, covering validity, originality and significance ,data and methodology, reasonable results and discussion and so on; a proper guiding for authors to improve their research works; and finally the recommend decision , whether accept or reject using proper rating scale the editor also favors.

(3)Provide suggestions to the editor. But the final decision on an article is made by the editor.

(4)Provide the Editor with a fair, evidence-based decision through seriously checking the scientific content of the manuscript in time.

(5)Give citation advice once any relevant published work is helpful to improve the quality of publication but is not cited in the manuscripts.

(6)Fully respect the confidentiality,never discuss unpublished materials or use the information in their own work, throughout the whole review process.

(7)Do not provide any any inappropriate personal criticism or comments. Decline the review task or disclose the conflict of interest to the editor and ask the best solutions for this issue ,once any interest involves with an objective review.

(8)Declare any financial or personal conflict of interest to the journal editor .

(9)Report any ethical concern (e.g., any violation of ethical treatment of animal or human subjects or any considerable similarity between a previously published article and any reviewed manuscript) to the editors of the journal during evaluation of the submitted manuscripts.

4. Ethical Guidelines for Editors

Responsible research publication: international standards for editors

Code of conduct and best practice guidelines for journal editors

During submission, editors should:

(1)Be responsible for making editorial decisions regarding revision , rejection or acceptance of all manuscripts submitted for peer-review and publication.

(2)Treat all authors in fair, objective and respectful manners. All manuscripts will be evaluated objectively in light of their academic merit, without any commercial or private interest.

(3)Ensure no conflict of interest exists when making decisions as rejection or acceptance.

(4)Facilitate the publication of corrections or retractions in cases where errors are found in a manuscript.

(5)Ensure the equity, unbiasedness and timeliness of the peer-review process. Also ensure the involvement of at least two independent reviewers in peer review process..

(6)Do not disclose the identity of the reviewers.

(7)Do not disclose any information about the submitted manuscripts prior to publication.

(8)Work together with DBM to describe, implement, and regularly review policies for addressing ethical problems and allegations or findings of misconduct by authors and anyone else involved in the peer-review process.

(9)Keep sensitive to any possible manuscript delaying from the editors and /or reviewers for improper reasons.

(10)Cooperate with the DBM to develop mechanisms for the timely publication of accepted manuscripts

(11)Assign corresponding manuscripts to each reviewer in accordance with their area of expertise and interest.

5. Ethical Guidelines for Publisher

Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly

Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals

Any act of research misconduct is not allowed under any circumstances. DBM will work together with the editors to check and avoid the publication of articles with misconducts. Once any alleged or proven scientific misconduct, fraudulent publication or plagiarism occur, all appropriate measures, such as prompt publication of an erratum, clarification or even retraction of the affected work, will be taken to clarify the situation and to amend the article in question.


Updated on 31 March 2023